Train Details View
The Train Details View contains the schedule and any changes and reports relevant to that specific train.
Opening the Train Details View
Some train details can be viewed by hovering over the train box.
Details include:
- headcode,
- TOC,
- service details e.g. origin time and location and destination location and scheduled time,
- current location and current status (lateness),
- path and line information,
- the next three TIPLOCs within the train’s schedule (for trains not terminating at the docker location).
The main Train Details View can be accessed by either left-clicking on the train box, or by using a right-click and selecting View Schedule Details from the pop-up menu. The Train Details View is also accessible by clicking the headcode of the train in most places this headcode appears e.g. TD map, Global Search.
The Train Details View displays information relating to the schedule, associations, conflicts and issues, train running restrictions and plan/re-plan details.
The top bar displays the headcode, TOC, current lateness and predicted lateness at destination. It also displays the train service information including present status. The blue circled number highlighted in the yellow box indicates the number of train notes.
The Schedule information within the Train Details View is split into the planned timetable information on the left, and the actual or forecast schedule information on the right. The Schedule default scrolls to the train’s current location.
Regards planned time:
- green bold text indicates the current location,
- orange bold text highlights a planned stopping location,
- regular black text is for other TIPLOCs within the schedule.
For example, in the image above we see 1P66 is at Tollerton and its next station stop is York.
Note:A user can hover over the TIPLOC name to read the full location name e.g. NLRTN = Northallerton.
On the right-hand side: black text displays actual recorded time and platform information, whereas blue italicised text provides forecasted time and lateness. The forecast is informed by the last reported time, minimum TPR activity times vs. schedule times, and allowances (performance, pathing, engineering).
The Associations drop-down within the Train Details View displays both live and expired associations.
To amend associations, open the Association Editor via the context menu.
For more information see Context Menu - Re-Plan Functionality#Amend Association
The Conflicts drop-down within the Train Details View lists any conflicts applicable to the selected train.
The Plan/Re-Plan drop down within the Train Details View lists amendments to the train schedule made both within acumen (either manually or automatically) or received via DARWIN.
All columns can be sorted in alphabetical order, or in time order as applicable. The search function within the Plan/Re-Plan drop-down allows the user to search for TIPLOCs using predictive text. When the Train Details View is opened, the default search of the Plan/Re-Plan list is to the platform docker location.
Train Running Restrictions
The Train Running Restrictions drop-down with the Train Details View enables a user to apply a train running restriction to a train, and view any existing restrictions on that train.
There are four data fields here as shown above: three different types of restriction that can be added and one field for notes. A combination of fields may be selected when applying a restriction.
- The first field allows a user to indicate whether there is a side restriction. The options here are that a train can use platforms on the left, right, or both sides. A TRS (Train Running Side) conflict will thus be raised if the train is forecast against this restriction.
- Using the second field a user has the option to select a platform to avoid. A TRP (Train Running Platform) conflict will be raised if a train is forecast to use the platform that the restriction says it should avoid.
- The ‘Other Restriction’ field is a free-text field where a user can indicate a train running with a restriction that may not be related to platforming, e.g. train running at reduced speed due to defect. An entry here will always raise a TRN (Train Running Note) conflict.
- The ‘Notes’ field does not raise any conflicts but can be used to provide more detail to the restriction.
Applied train running restrictions are listed in the Train Running Restrictions drop-down within the Train Details View, and in the Restrictions tab. For more information see Platform Docker Tabs#Restrictions.
Train Notes
A user can attach a note to a train. Once submitted, the text of the note will be displayed in this Train Notes table and the note indicator (top left hand corner) in the Train Details View will be updated.
On the platform docker, the blue numbered icon will appear next to the train to indicate the number of notes applied. A tool-tip informs the user of this.