CIF Processing

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Application servers connect to the NR PPTE (Network Rail - Pre Production Test Environment) to download the POINTA CIF.

Container Logs

As described in the Data Feeds section, the full CIF is taken and processed at initialisation and an incremental CIF is taken and processed at 01:00 Hrs each morning.

The service that obtains and processes the CIF is ran via a cron job and once the CIF is processed, the container stops running; despite this, Administrators can view the last container log entry thus:

  • Start an ssh session to the relevant application server;
  • At the prompt, enter the following commands:
  1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd ~/dockerise/
  2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ docker-compose logs download_cif

If there were any issues in downloading and processing the CIF, there would be a corresponding entry in the container logs.

Application Logs

To browse the application logs, follow the following steps:

  1. Identify the ip address of the server in the Administration page;
  2. Browse to the following url: http://<ip address>:8080/logs/download_cif/

There are numerous logs available that are of interest - the main ones being:

  • download_pointa_cif.log;
  • extract_cif.log;
  • post_processing.log;
  • assoc_post_processing.log.

Should any error messages or other log entries of concern be identified, Administrators are requested to update the support ticket with the details.

Check CIF Records in Database

Administrators are required to access the database command line interface to check the status of the CIF downloads.

  • Start an ssh session to the relevant application server;
  • At the prompt, enter the following commands:
1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd ~/dockerise/
2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ docker exec -ti dockerise_mysql_1 mysql -u tms_user -p
When prompted, enter the password:
3. Enter password: <password>
At the database prompt, enter the following commands:
4. MariaDB [(none)]> USE cif_record;
5. MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT * FROM tbl_header;
The contents of the table will be printed to the terminal thus:
Cif record screenshot.png
Administrators can check that each CIF has been downloaded and processed.
6. Type the following to exit the database command line facility: MariaDB [(none)]> exit