Data Feeds

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This section describes the numerous data feeds that acumen consumes.


A train service database (TSDB) is maintained within acumen; the TSDB is created from a full extract CIF file at initialisation, and kept up to date by consumption of an incremental update which takes place each morning at 01:00 Hrs.

Both the full CIF and incremental update CIF files are obtained via SFTP directly from Network Rail PPTE (Pre-production Test Environment).

As published by ITPS, the CIF contains limited train association data (AA records) however, prior to publication to PPTE for consumption, the CIF is parsed by a service known as POINTA.

POINTA (Platform Occupancy INference of Train Associations) is a service which infers associations and enriches the CIF file prior to publication. POINTA is considered to be an enhancement on the association parsing and inference undertaken by WACI (or similar) components common at many locations.


To complement the TSDB described above, acumen subscribes to and consumes VSTP schedules which are published over the Network Rail feed; acumen receives these messages regardless of the VSTP source (i.e. TRUST, TDA or Integrale).

Train Journey Modification (TJM) Messages

There are a sub-set of messages that acumen consumes from that maintain the planned intent of activated services - informed by transactions commited within TRUST:

  • Full cancellation;
  • Start Forward (change of origin);
  • Terminate Short;
  • Cancellation reinstatement;
  • Change of Location;
  • Change of identity.

Each message is received and processed by acumen and where a service is subject to forecasting, the forecast reflects the modification.

Train Movement Reports

As a train service proceeds on its journey, train movement reports are published via; acumen subscribes to and consumes this feed; the train movement report is primarily used to inform the forecast - allowing acumen to update the forecast to reflect actual (known) train running.

TD: C-Class Data

TD: S-Class Data
