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The Forecast, in acumen parlance relates to a group of services which provide and maintain a train service forecast and is not therefore, a single service.

The Forecast relies heavily on the Redis key/value store - it is utilised as it provides a very low latency data store and retrieval system which is demanded by the data and computational intensive Forecast; Administrators are therefore guided to consider the value in established the health and status of Redis prior to diagnosing any issues with the Forecast as without a healthy Redis service, the Forecast will not function as intended.

Application Logs

All Forecast services provide comprehensive application logging; to browse the application logs, undertake the following steps:

  1. Identify the ip address of the server in the Administration page;
  2. Browse to the following url: http://<ip address>:8080/logs/forecasting/

Should any error messages or other log entries of concern be identified, Administrators are requested to update the support ticket with the details.

Draining the forecast

The action of draining the forecast is where all forecast services are removed from the relevant Redis store. This action can sometimes resolve issues with the forecast.

1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd /dockerise/

2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~/dockerise$ docker exec -ti dockerise_redis_1 /bin/bash

Administrators will then be presented with a prompt from inside the container:

3. :/data# redis-cli -n 0

At the Redis Command Line Interface (CLI) prompt:


5. To return to the session prompt, type exit followed by [ENTER] twice.

Note: Administrators are guided to undertake this action whilst viewing the RQ Dashboard as described in the [Middleware] section.

Note: Administrators should be aware that this action will remove all forecast services from acumen until a movement report is received.