Platform Docker Tabs
This section describes the Platform Docker tabs; it is expected that users will spend most of their time monitoring the platform docker and then seeking out further information via these tabs:
Platform Docker
The left-most tab labels the Platform Docker that is in use.
This is followed by four icons:
- These icons function as follows:
- The circled arrow enables the user to switch between horizontal and vertical views;
- The triangle enables a user to expand and retract the platform and line index;
- And finally, the paint pot icon opens the colour legend - this opens a modal that details the color scheme used within acumen and guides users to the meaning of UI elements used within the application.
The TD tab displays a track schematic showing train describer berth descriptions and where configured, signal state (on/off) and routes set information:
Users can click on the headcodes to view details about the train; white coloured headcodes are forecast services and clicking opens the Train Details View, whereas headcoded coloured yellow are non-forecast - clicking on these services opens the Global Search and inputs the headcode ready for the user to search for the service.
Global Search
The Global Search tab provides similar information to TRUST. A user can search by headcode, Service UID or TIPLOC. The search is global so not limited to docker locations or services. The example below shows a search for EUSTON TIPLOC:
Headcodes coloured bright blue are for schedules within the acumen forecast. Clicking on the headcode opens up the Train Details View.
Black headcodes represent schedules not within the acumen forecast. Clicking on the headcode opens up basic schedule details. Most of this information is read-only, however the Off Route Train Call drop down at the bottom of the page allows an off-booked route train to be rendered on the platform docker.
The Map tab displays trains that are within that platform docker’s forecast, but over a wider area. The colours are aligned with CCF lateness colours and the map can be used to view lateness patterns.
A user can hover over the train plot to bring up a tool-tip displaying the headcode and current location. Clicking on the plot opens the Train Details View:
Conflict List
The Conflict List tab lists identified conflicts and displays the headcode, UID, type of conflict including tool-tip, conflict description and status of train. Table includes column sort and text-string search consistent with other search functions. A user can click on the headcode to open the Train Details View.
Connection Editor
The Connection Editor lists existing connections and allows a user to set and/or delete a connection between train service pairs.
To create a connection, the user selects the first and second services to be connected, ensuring the correct instance of the platform docker location has been selected via the Time field, in the event that the service is circular.
Once submitted, the connection populates the list.
To delete a connection, the user clicks on the button next to the relevant item in the Connection Editor.
On the platform docker, a yellow line joins the connected services.
Alert List
The Alert List tab provides a list of all re-plan changes made by acumen users or received by DARWIN.
Items will remain in the list for 60 minutes.
The Restrictions tab lists current train running and infrastructure restrictions.
To delete either a train running or infrastructure restriction, click on the [x] in the grey box next to the relevant entry.
To edit an infrastructure restriction, click on the pen icon next to the relevant entry:
Note: Where an infrastructure restriction affects multiple platforms and this has been entered in one action, each platform/line is listed separately in the Restrictions tab to enable edits to be made to individual platforms/lines.