Acquire Electrical Scooters Trips Online

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Revision as of 17:38, 28 January 2025 by BridgettCotton9 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Expense of First transportation of fur nlture within Tasmania lo be paid by appointee, and will be reimbursed after three months' satisfying sendee. Experience In Mercery or Boss' YVcar and understanding of Stockkecptng. Permanent placement for ideal applicant. Apply WILLIAM COOPER and SONS PTY LTD., 58 Tho Corso, Manly.<br><br>Experienced Tradesman required for Upkeep and brand-new Installment job, by big Production Business In Drummoyne-Flvcdoclc area. Applicants must...")
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Expense of First transportation of fur nlture within Tasmania lo be paid by appointee, and will be reimbursed after three months' satisfying sendee. Experience In Mercery or Boss' YVcar and understanding of Stockkecptng. Permanent placement for ideal applicant. Apply WILLIAM COOPER and SONS PTY LTD., 58 Tho Corso, Manly.

Experienced Tradesman required for Upkeep and brand-new Installment job, by big Production Business In Drummoyne-Flvcdoclc area. Applicants must not be more thon-18 years of age and hold Intermediate or Leaving Certificóte. Salary according to qualifications and experience with a minimum to com- mence at the rate of ₤ 780 per annum. Applications axe welcomed for the posi- tion of Chief Draughtsman in a Business production and operating a vast rango of mechanical tools.

Apply by letter, slating If experi- enced in invoicing or ledgerkecplns WM. 10 Darcy St (at Hillway). APPLICATIONS will certainly be received by Iho Assistant, caroma electric scooters that cost 199 the Hvdrp-Eleotrlo Com- goal. Tasmania, until midday on Mondnv. 14th November, 1949, for the settings provided above.

Edge ritt and Park Rreeta, Srdney. RpYPISTE TELEPHONIST aged 13 X years ₤ 4 per week beginning income Hours 8 JO a m to 4 JO p m No faaturday work Apply No 19256. The placement uses excellent potential customers and today lugs a salary of ₤ 7 each week. Lor clerical work.

. Olforing the very best of working conditions, liberal salors'. Workplace hours fl-5, Monday In friday, Address applications in creating, offering information ol age ond experience,' lo P.O. Granville; oi Ring UU2321. A variety of specially chosen Young fX. Men, year", called for by Manu- facturing "nd Dispersing Residence as Trainees to leam the Wholesale Sottgoods Profession, Salesmanship, and so on. Ex lover, chances lor suitable applicants. MURRAY LIMITED.

LIMITED, Q.P.O Box 3583. General Workplaces of AUSTRALIAN ALUMINIUM CO. LTD., GRAN- VILLE. A chance to Join the Personnel of o leading New South YVales Industrial Co

Applications close on 28th November, 1949, and should ho forwarded to the Admiral Superintendent, Garden Island. Consultation will certainly depend upon an appropriate pass having actually lscen obtained at the Inter- medióte Ccrtlflcate Examination. Applications ought to he addressed to the Altornev-General "nd lodged st hi" nfflre, Puhllc Structure".

IB years of "st and over. NO SATURDAY WORK. Excellent problem". Social and wel- fare club.

W, Kopsen and Co . Pty., 380 Kent St. MA8336. " VOUTH wanted for modem furniture X foctoiy, about l8 years. Flist ra'e salaries and conditions ond benefit. PRICES AND TAKING A TRIP EX- PENSES' A relund of first-rate travel- ling costs for appointee and partner will be setting after 3 months' satisfying solution. Appointee will certainly be entitled to assert a reimbursement not exceeding ₤ 75 on account of transportation or furniture and impacts to Tasmania, on manufacturing of receipted coupons. Hair or Ulla allow- ance Is payable on completion or three months' sotislactoryservice, the balance on conclusion of twclvo months' satls toctory service.