20.11.03 Briefing Note
The sections below detail enhancements that will be deployed to acumen the evening of 28 November 2020.
Users will need to do a hard reload of the system to see these changes. Instructions can be found on the FAQ page.
The relevant User Guide pages will be updated in due course.
New Functionality
Drag & Drop - Platform Change
In addition to accessing platform re-plan options from the right-click context menu, users can now initiate a platform change within acumen simply by clicking on the train and dragging it to a different platform.
The drag feature is constrained to the platform axis so users do not need to worry about maintaining the arrival or departure times while they drag.
To enable the drag feature, a user must hold down the Alt key and then click on the train. The train will then display as faded as shown below. (The Alt key can be released once the train has been clicked on.)
Once in the drag mode, the train can be clicked on and pulled to another platform.
Its original position will be coloured white with a red outline for reference, as seen below.
Once the train has been released, or dropped, a dialogue box pops up to confirm the change. Note: An exception to this is if the train is moved to or from the TBC platform. In this case the re-platform processes immediately without need for the pop-up confirmation.
Note: The option is included to suppress the confirmation pop-up box for all platform changes. Users can turn this on and off via the Docker Viewing Preferences.
While the change is being processed, the white box and faded train will remain. After approximately 5 seconds, the train will render as normal in its new platform.
As per standard platform changes:
- a (P) icon will be added to indicate the change,
- any associated outbound service will also move to the new platform,
- conflict detection will run so occupation conflicts, infrastructure restriction conflicts etc will be raised as applicable,
- the new platform will display in the Train Details View,
- the replan action will be recorded in the Alerts tab.
Note: The drag and drop feature recognises 'full' platforms only. Users are guided to use the right-click context menu if they wish to re-platform the train to a sub platform.
Note: While the drag feature is enabled (Alt has been pressed) the docker will not refresh. Therefore if a user decides not to undertake a platform change, they should either:
- hold down Alt and click the train again, or
- drag the train away and then back to its original platform.
Text Clipboard
Users can now right-click on a platform change (P) icon to copy text detailing the change onto a clipboard.
This enhancement is following a request from SSMs who are required to keep a log of changes.
Bug Fixes
Most/all of these bug fixes have already been pushed to the training and production servers since the 20.11.02 hot fix.
Split associations
The 20.11 upgrade introduced workarounds to improve how associations inferred by POINTA were displayed, and remove illogical associations from the docker. See 20.11 Briefing Note for more information.
However, where false split associations were removed from the docker, some split association conflict icons remained. An example is shown below.
Connection Editor
Improvements have been made to the formatting of the Connection Editor to ensure users can see the full list of available headcodes generated by the predictive text when searching for a headcode to connect.
Conflict Marker
The docker was not consistently displaying the yellow triangular conflict marker for all conflicts. This has been addressed.