21.04.01 Briefing Note

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Revision as of 12:55, 26 April 2021 by Susieej (talk | contribs)
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The sections below detail enhancements that will be deployed to acumen on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

They are on the training server now for user familiarisation and testing.

Users will need to clear the Chrome Browser cache (hard re-load) in order that the changes made to acumen function correctly. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the FAQ page.

The relevant User Guide pages will be updated in due course.

RDIS Feed and new Station Tab

RDIS (Rail Demand Information System) is another Network Rail project looking at improving the information available to operators.

acumen is currently trialling the RDIS feed and would appreciate any feedback users can provide on the helpfulness and accuracy of the data.

Train Service Information

The RDIS feed is now enhancing the information available in the train details tool-tip.

As seen in the screenshot below, this tool-tip now contains additional consist information, and information about passenger loading.

Rdis tooltip.png

Consist Information

The consist information is received from GEMINI via RDIS.

We see 1M38 is formed of 9 coaches; a 4-car unit and a 5-car unit. The unit numbers are also provided.

acumen extracts this information and displays the total number of coaches underneath the headcode.

Nb. Some train services did have the total number of coaches displayed already as a result of the TIGER feed. This RDIS feed means this data is now consistently displayed across all* TOCs.

  • London Overground services do not appear to display this data at this time.

Forecast how works

Station Occupancy

Lift & Escalator Status

CIS Tab Enhancements

Update to Kings Cross TD Map