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Apply, mentioning age and experience, and confining coplea of références, to ". 16-19 years, for general office dutie". Including declaring and switchboard alleviation, 1" called for by a big Manufacturing Business. Ideally owner of diploma in civil engineering, and at the very least, five years' ex lover- perience In course of job made an application for.
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Applications, shutting s866 6 pin plug electric scooter replacement 48v throttle caroma p.m., 9th No- vember, 1943, are Welcomed for the "above position. Wage in nccordanco with Hos- pital.Secretaries' Award (D.A. 50). Good leads experienced man. Ap- layer Sydney Cash and Carry, 31c Charles St, Woodland Lodge.
Superannuation. This is a long-term placement with excellent pas best facilities and outstanding chances for advancement doing unskilled job. Vision and in-depth direction of all civil styles personnel.