UI services

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Integral to the application is the service that renders the UI to users via the web browser - internally known as flask-app.

Note: Here the host name in PuTTY is likely to be acumen.tms-uk-rail.co.uk. (Rather than gateway.tms)

Checking the container status

  • Start an ssh session to the relevant application server;
  • At the prompt, type the following commands:
  1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd ~/dockerise/
  2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ docker ps | grep "STATUS\|flask-app"

The program will output information about the status of the container.

Container logging

Where an issue with the database container has been observed then the Administrator should check the logs:

  • Start an ssh session to the relevant application server;
  • At the prompt, type the following commands:
  1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd ~/dockerise/
  2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ docker-compose logs -f flask-app"

This action will stream the logs to the terminal; observing this output for a short time should provide some indications to any potential issues.

Press [CTRL+C] to stop the logging output and return to the prompt.

Application logging

Where an issue with the database container has been observed then the Administrator should check the application logs:

  1. Identify the ip address of the server in the Administration page;
  2. Browse to the following url: http://<ip address>:8080/logs/flask-app/ for flask-app application logs;
  3. Browse to the following url: http://<ip address>:8080/logs/docker-rendering/ for docker rendering logs.

Administrators are requested to copy any relevant error messages to the support ticket.

Starting the container

If the container is Down - then the following commands will bring the container back up:

  1. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ cd ~/dockerise/
  2. <user>@acumen-app-server:~$ docker-compose up -d flask-app"

Browser Console Messages

Another useful method to understand where any issues lie is to access the Chrome Browser Developer Tools and to peruse the console messages.

  1. Navigate to the required acumen page;
  2. Press [CTRL+SHIFT+I] or [F12] to open the DevTools window (select More Tools > Developer Tools application menu also works);
  3. Click on the Console tab;
  4. View any error messages - ensuring that these are copied to the support ticket.