21.02 Briefing Note
The sections below detail enhancements that will be deployed to acumen on Sunday 14 February 2021.
They are on the training server now for user familiarisation and testing.
Users will need to clear the Chrome Browser cache (hard re-load) in order that the changes made to acumen function correctly. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the FAQ page.
The relevant User Guide pages will be updated in due course.
New Functionality[edit]
Suppress Conflict[edit]
Following user feedback, the system now enables a user to suppress individual conflicts and hide them from the docker. The conflict will still be listed in the Conflict List and within the Conflict section of the Train Details View but the yellow (C) will not be displayed on the docker and it will not feed the yellow triangular conflict marker.
Note: Users are unable to suppress OC occupation conflicts or SC station crossing conflicts due to their transient nature.
Note: A conflict will only remain suppressed for 30 minutes.
A conflict can be suppressed via the docker itself, or the Conflict List tab.
Suppress via Docker
To suppress an individual conflict via the docker, right-click on the yellow (C). A pop-up box will ask you to confirm the action. Click Yes to suppress.
Warning: The suppression acts globally so will suppress the conflict for all users.
Note: The option is provided to turn off this pop-up box via the Docker Viewing Preferences cog icon. If this option is selected, users should be aware that a conflict will be suppressed with the right-click alone.
Note: If there is more than one conflict raised against a particular train, it is not possible to suppress via a right-click. Users will instead need to suppress the conflict via the Conflict List as described below.
Suppress via Conflict List
Alternatively, a conflict can be suppressed via the Conflict List tab.
The Suppression Status column has been introduced to the right-hand side of the table. This indicates which conflicts are suppressed.
The suppression status can be changed by clicking in the dashed box.
The tick indicates that a conflict has been suppressed.
N/A is displayed if it is not possible to suppress a conflict.
For example, in the screenshot above we see that 5Y70 has been suppressed, and we are unable to suppress the OC conflicts against 2C37 or 1E10.
To suppress the 1W20 conflict, one would click in the dashed box.
Note: This table is static until it is refreshed. This can be achieved via the refresh button in the top left.
All suppress and unsuppress actions are recorded in the Alert List.
IRC Tab[edit]
An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) tab has been introduced to be tested by acumen users across the trial sites.
The IRC tab is a chat messaging feature, to assist communication between docker users.
The IRC MUST NOT be used for safety critical communications.
Note: The IRC runs on one single server. This means messages sent in either the live or training environments will appear in the same chat. Users should therefore take precautions to ensure any messages sent as part of training are not misconstrued as live messages.
Activating the IRC
The IRC requires activating separately to the general docker log-in. Initially the screen is shown as per the image below:
A Nick(name) is generated based on the user role.
The Channel defaults to the docker location. A #General channel is also available.
To activate, click Start.
IRC Features
To send a message in the chat, type next to your username at the bottom of the screen.
The left-hand banner lists the channels you as a user have access to. This would typically be the #General channel and the docker-specific channel e.g. #KingsCross.
A channel with a particular user can be created by selecting their username and clicking the Send a message button that appears in the right-hand pane.
Active Users
The IRC has been introduced to help signalling teams understand which station roles are active on acumen and vice versa. To support this, users can choose to set their status as Away. To do this, click on the arrow next to your nickname at the bottom of the screen, and select Away. Your status indication will turn red.
Clicking on the people icon in the top right shows what users are active within the chat.
Order by Conflict Date Time[edit]
Based on user feedback, additional data fields have been added to the Conflict List enabling users to order conflicts by time to conflict.
This will be useful if choosing to work through each conflict in turn.
In the image below, the Conflict DateTime column has been highlighted including the sort arrows to order the list.
As a result of these Conflict List enhancements, a refresh button has been added to the tab for users to refresh the data. This is located in the top-left of the tab.
TRUST Cancellations[edit]
Any cancellation messages received from TRUST will now be included within the Alert List. The description includes the delay code text as seen below.
They will also be recorded against those specific trains under the Plan/Re-Plan information within the Train Details View. For example we have the following entries for 6D11
These list items are in addition to the blue alert that pops up in the bottom left hand corner of the screen upon receipt of a TRUST reliability event message.
The Legend accessed via the paint box icon has been updated to include all symbols and markers from recent upgrades.