21.05.01 Briefing Note

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This briefing note details a hot fix that will be deployed to acumen on Saturday 22 May 2021.

Users may need to clear the Chrome Browser cache (hard re-load) in order that the changes made to acumen function correctly. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the FAQ page.

The relevant User Guide pages have been updated.

IRC Messaging Alert[edit]

The IRC tab has been enhanced and will now provide an alert when a new message is received.

If a user is on a different tab, perhaps the main docker interface when the message is sent, then a yellow (!) will appear on the IRC tab to represent unread messages.

IRC alert.png

An audible alert will also sound for the first message.

It is recommended acumen users respond to the message to acknowledge receipt.

More information on the IRC tab can be found here: Platform Docker Tabs#IRC.