Context Menu - Replan Functionality

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Right-clicking on a forecast schedule reveals the context menu:

Context menu.png

Note: This menu is not accessible via a mobile device. See Mobile Device Support.

View Schedule Details

Clicking on View Schedule Details opens the Train Details View, in the same manner that a left click on the forecast schedule performs.

Replan Service

Clicking on Replan Service opens the Train Service Replan dialog:

Train service replan.png

This dialog provides users with the options and ability to:

  • Change the platform of a train;
  • Amend the arrival and/or departure times;
  • Convert Call to Pass or vice versa.

Clicking Update commits any changes, clicking Close cancels any changes and closes the dialog.

Points to note:

  • Users will receive a warning if the arrival and departure times (for a calling service) do not meet the minimum dwell time, as specified in the respective services schedule.
  • When a platform change has been submitted and processed by acumen, and the change results in the service being planned to call at a platform other than that specified in the schedule, a Platform Change Icon will be rendered on the train plot; when hovered over, the tool-tip states the details of the planned platform.
  • If a platform is changed for a terminating or joining service, any associated services will automatically be replatformed to match.

Drag and Drop

Re-platforming can also be achieved by dragging and dropping the train.

Note: This is only applicable to full platform changes. Sub-platform changes should be undertaken as described above.

The drag feature is constrained to the platform axis so users do not need to worry about maintaining the arrival or departure times whilst they drag.

To enable the drag feature, a user must hold down the Alt key and then click on the train. The train will then display as faded as per 9M28 below. (The Alt key can be released once the train has been clicked on.)

Drag alt.png

Once in the drag mode, the train can be clicked on and pulled to another platform.

Its original position will be coloured white with a red outline for reference, as seen below.

Drag release.png

Note: The option is provided to select multiple trains. To do this, hold down Alt as multiple trains are clicked on. They all then appear faded and can be dragged to new platforms as described above.

Once the train has been released, or dropped, a dialogue box pops up to confirm the change.

Note: An exception to this is if the train is moved to or from the TBC platform. In this case the re-platform processes immediately without need for the pop-up confirmation.

Drag conf.png

Note: The option is included to suppress the confirmation pop-up box for all platform changes. Users can turn this on and off via the Docker Viewing Preferences.

While the change is being processed and as part of the browser refresh cycle, you will temporarily see the coloured train return to its existing platform. The white box will indicate where the train is moving to. After approximately 5 seconds, the train will render as normal in its new platform.

As per standard platform changes:

  • a (P) icon will be added to indicate the change,
  • any associated outbound service will also move to the new platform,
  • conflict detection will run so occupation conflicts, infrastructure restriction conflicts etc will be raised as applicable,
  • the new platform will display in the Train Details View,
  • the replan action will be recorded in the Alerts tab.

Note: While the drag feature is enabled (Alt has been pressed) the docker will not refresh. Therefore if a user decides not to undertake a platform change, they should either:

  • hold down Alt and click the train again,
  • drag the train away and then back to its original platform, or
  • refresh the page.

Note: This functionality is not available on a mobile device.

Notify Train Crew Issue

Clicking this option indicates to all users that the departure of a service from the docker location is/will be delayed due to a train crew issue (or other operational reason).

Train crew issue.png

Once applied, the relevant service plot is decorated with a corresponding notification icon; hovering over the icon reveals a tool-tip with information on the icon meaning

When applying a train crew issue, the user has the option to amend the expected departure time of the train within that same action.

The train crew icon can be removed by again clicking on the Notify Train Crew Issue option of the context menu.

Note: On a mobile device this functionality is available within the Train Details View. Please see Mobile Device Support for more information.

Suppress Service from Docker

A user has the option to suppress a service from the platform docker, meaning it will no longer be rendered or considered when calculating the forecast or conflicts.

For circular trains (services that are timetabled at the docker location multiple times), the user can choose to suppress a specific instance of passing/calling.

An example user case would be where an orphaned train is not going to run because there is no incoming stock and where the service has not yet been cancelled in TRUST.

Note: Within acumen, every service schedule expires and therefore will not be plotted, 2 hours after the expected time of arrival at destination regardless of suppression.

If suppression results in all instances being suppressed and therefore the service is not plotted on the docker view, users can search for the service either in the Global Search tab or the Forecast Search.

Locations where the service is suppressed are decorated with an icon (red S); clicking on this icon removes the suppression at that location and timetable instance.


Note: A suppressed service is automatically unsuppressed when a movement report is received.

Amend Association

Clicking Amend Association opens the Association Editor.

The example below shows that the selected train has next working associations at London Euston with 2Y61 and 5B20.

The Association Editor lists the Source of the association (e.g. acumen or DARWIN) and the Type of association (e.g. LTP, STP).

New Editor.png

To remove an association, a user clicks on the [x] in the grey box in the right hand column of the associations list.

Note: Where an association has been deleted, conflicts will be raised against the affected services.

Associations are made by selecting the Base Train and Association Trains.

Clicking the This Train button fills in the headcode field with the train that was initially selected. It also populates the UID box to the right hand side. It is important to check the Time field to ensure the correct instance of the train’s service has been populated. This is most applicable for circular trains.

The association type options are Next Working, Split and Join. Once submitted, the association is displayed in the Association Editor box, and an association line is drawn between the services on the platform docker.

Note: The association line is rendered the same regardless of the type of association.

Manual Call (Planned Services Only)

The above sub-sections are for forecast schedules. For planned schedules the right-click menu provides the option to Manual Call, transferring the schedule from the planning layer to the forecast layer.

Manual call.png

Once in the forecast layer, that train can be re-planned, have train notes applied, associations amended etc.

Note: This also applies to manually calling Q or Y paths.

Note: The system searches for activation messages twice a minute, so a user may need to wait up to 30 seconds to see their manual call action processed.

Remember: acumen does not publish any messages. The manual call is only applicable to acumen and will not affect the activation status of the train in any other systems.

For more information on the planning layer, see Platform Docker Display#Planning Layer.